

What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You

What might you be revealing in your sleep without saying a word?

What bites harder than a great white shark?

And what’s fanning the flames in space exploration?

We’re on fire on today’s Daily Orbit!

Here’s a new question for you ask on your next date: So….what position do you sleep in? A new study found that sleeping positions affect personality by determining how we feel when we wake up. People who sleep on their backs with arms stretched out in front typically wake up feeling refreshed and eager to start their day. Sleeping face down with arms outstretched indicates a feeling of being “out of control” and leaves these people feeling tired with no energy. Those who sleep with a straight body are stubborn, and will feel stiff in the morning. And the most popular sleeping style? The fetal position. 58 percent of people sleep on their side with their knees up and head down– which is no surprise considering it is associated with stress.  These people can expect to awake refreshed, having dealt with the previous days issues. I’m pretty sure I hit all of those positions at some point throughout the night. What does that say about me?

As if we haven’t given you enough reasons to exercise and eat healthy, here’s another one! A new study says that a high BMI increases a person’s risk of being hospitalized. The study found that for every six to seven pounds of extra “baggage” a middle-aged person carries, their chance of being hospitalized goes up 4%. These findings mean that even those who are not technically considered to be “obese” are still at risk. But, the researchers suggest that if you are overweight or obese, even gradual decreases in weight are likely to lower your risk and will make a positive impact on your health.

Shark!!! Oh it’s just a hammerhead, no biggie. After studying 13 shark species, scientists discovered that it’s not the Great White or the Hammerhead that has the most powerful bite but the Bull shark. They found that a 9 foot long Bull shark had a bite force of 478 pounds and a Great White of the same size “bit in” at 360 pounds in force. Why? Scientists aren’t sure but say it may have to do with the bull sharks’ wide heads. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to be bitten by either…

And if it wasn’t bad enough to have to worry about a bull shark bite at the beach, now you have to worry about bursting into flames! The popular sunscreen line, Banana Boat, announced that its sunscreen sprays may potentially ignite on the user’s skin if they come into contact with a flame before the spray is completely dry. The company received four complaints of “adverse effects” caused by the sprays. They say the problem stems from the fact that the spray nozzles deliver more product than others, meaning it takes longer to dry. They have ordered retailers not to sell the sprays and have also notified the Food and Drug Administration. So if you still have some Banana Boat spray left from the summer, don’t use it! Well, next to a fire anyway.

And speaking of fire, the recent discoveries of new planets are reigniting the fire for the search for  alien life. Recently, we’ve brought you news of two new planet discoveries — PH1 and the still to be named exoplanet found in the Alpha Centauri system. As our telescopes become more powerful, discussions about the existence of alien life forms is becoming more mainstream.  Over 800 exoplanets have been discovered since the early ‘90s with many of them having Earth-like traits. The high number of discoveries is making scientists believe that it is more likely extraterrestrial life will be found.

That’s it for the Daily Orbit!  Don’t play with fire you might get burned!

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