
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How to Flatten Your Stomach Naturally

How to Flatten Your Stomach Naturally

You do not have to resort to extremes for a flatter stomach; achieve it naturally instead.

john cena

Achieving and maintaining a flat and toned stomach is something desired by people of varying ages. People can sometimes even resort to extremes to achieve this goal. Instead of flattening their stomach the natural way--through diet and exercise--many turn to methods like liposuction instead. Liposuction is the method of surgically removing fat. Liposuction can be performed on several areas of the body, including the stomach. However, liposuction can cost up to 7,500 dollars. Instead of resorting to costly and sometimes dangerous methods of weight loss, try flattening your stomach the natural way first.


1.Reduce the number of calories you eat. Depending on your body size and weight, try eating 300 to 500 less calories. Use a calorie calculator to figure out exactly how many less calories to eat.

2.Eat smaller portions while increasing the number of meals you eat a day. Eating smaller portions more frequently throughout the day will help speed up your metabolism.

3.Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day to stay hydrated.

4.Perform cardiovascular exercises to burn fat. Even if you do 200 crunches a day, you will not be able to see your abdominal muscles if they are covered in a layer of fat. It is important to incorporate cardiovascular exercises into your routine to burn fat.

5.Eat foods that are natural stomach slimmers. These foods include blueberries, asparagus, salmon, watermelon, citrus, bananas and cucumbers.

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